I took a photos for billboards, the billboards will include a range of models on very single billboard will be different information and model. Below a few raw pictures and models.
In next few posts you will see another progress of designing billboards and additional elements of all branding. Also I'll show you how I am going to whitening teeth of my models 😅💪💪
A few examples from internet, How models look like on others pictures:
https://www.rp.pl/Cywilizacja/170519918-Badanie-Usmiech-postarza-o-dwa-lata.html |
http://higiena-zebow.pl/1994-2/ |
https://stock.adobe.com/pl/ |
https://stock.adobe.com/pl/ |
https://stock.adobe.com/pl/ |
Link to all pictures which I took - CLICK
Below you can see some changes on the teeth, the whole process in the next post! :)
Some nice process shots here, good balance in terms of the gender and inclusiveness of your models. It would be good to see some examples used by other dental practises to see how it is done out in the market place, whether they use stock images or images taken specifically for a professional practise. Also how are you planning to crop these images and did you make any more photos with more than one model?