Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Graphic Design - III Major Project / Logo design

In this post I am going to show you how I have designed logo for my dentist practice.

In previous post I have shown  you which images I wanted to connected together.
Those images are tooth and zebra. It is simple way to show simple and modern design of logo.
I opened new huge document in Illustrator - I am going to work with vectors not as in previous term just in Photoshop on graphics. So in clear document I pasted my tooth from google, it is just a view photo to see sharp of teeth.

After pasted photo into new file in illustrator, I blocked my image using Ctrl + 2, after block picture, you can not move it by accident. In next step, I started draw my tooth using simple tools available in illustrator. Those tools are called  'Bézier curve' or 'Pen tool kit'.

As you can see on screenshot above whole tools which I have used over the tooth. 

In next part of design this logo I decided to add circle around tooth. 

This an action changed a tooth to looks nicer and more effective on different backgrounds. I have added sharps on my tooth like zebra has. 
I just created one line which looks like a line on zebra, after that I copied and modified it.
Below you can see the outcome tooth with zebras on it. Also you are able to see which tools I ahve used to do that.

Let's go to adding the inscription to my logo, I have added a name of my dental practice 'Zebra'
Furthermore, I decided to add a little title 'dental practice' or 'dental care' to solve the doubts of the person, whose institution is the logo.

To this I have used font available in Windows is called 'Century Gothic', I have modified it by rounding the edges. Before did that I had changed normal font for curves.

I rounded curves because I wanted to show smooth flows in a font, which for the ordinary recipient can mean that all problems with the teeth in the clinic are solving without problems, painlessly and comfort for a patient.

I just added little tittle 'dental practice'.
Below final outcome which presenting logo in few designs. Remember this is still the same logo in a few version available to use by customer. 

I am quite happy with final outcome, I like it. The logo is presenting very well, on a first look you already know that is a dentist. Maybe the sharpness of the tooth is not drawn perfectly, I should keep more focus on a softer transition between the curves.

1 comment:

  1. Some good reflection here regarding how you might improve upon your design. You could have made a little more about why you rounded the edges of the font - does it make it less serious, more comforting for those worried about visiting a dentist, more accessible? Overall though a decent insight into your process with the logo.
