Saturday, 9 March 2019

Graphic Design - II Major Project / Business card design

In this post I will state process of designing a business card for a sales advisor in company.

Firstly, I have chosen basic size format for my card, it is 95 mm x 55 mm. This is basic format, it is very handy because it fits in the wallet and has a similar dimension to the bank card.

On a front side I pasted my mountains picture which I get from free pics bank. On that side I included also logo in very big format to shows company. It is very necessary to recognise it by potential costumers. Behind the logo I added a white shadow to move the logo to the foreground. As a result a I got this:

You can recognise this view from previously projects, it is a part of campaign with similar design.

On the back side I pasted blue background on whole project. I used a gradient tool.
Now I decided to separate card on two parts left and right. To do that I created a wavy line on the middle. I used line tool to do str8 line and I modified it by function called 'switch between free transform and warp modes' like below:

On left part of my card I added bubbles by Photoshop brush and I decided to add a tagline from poster and roll up - 'from heart of the mountains' with water heart graphic. Furthermore, I found a free QR code generator and I used this free copyright machine to do for me special QR code  which after scan move you to fictional website. Also I included website address next to Qr code. The left side of card is finished as below.

Now lets move into next part - right. In this section I will put important information about person who is holder this business card. Name and surname, address, phone number, e-mail and tittle, those are the most significant information also they are a fictional. I added free copyright icons.

As a result I got completed business card:

To presented my final outcome I used free copyright mock-up.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really well rounded design that bridges the gap between all the elements of your overall package. As with the rest of your designs, it would have been nice to have seen more of your own input regarding the images you have used, so perhaps in future projects you could look at generating more of your own imagery. I think I said earlier in the term it's important to 'own' all aspects of your project whatever your continuation route.
