Today I created my new website by It is easiest web creator - online!
To my personal website I choose a simple template called - 'Graphic Design Portfolio'. You can find some screenshots below.
It is very simple and clear template. I have chosen this one because is perfect to presentation my works and project. Also I like simplicity and transparency things.
I have done some research to look at websites other artists. |
This page is very readable and design is simple. | |
In next step on ma website I decided to remove original menu bar, because it was under the gallery.
I created new one, next to my personal logo, which I created and used before came to UK. I put horizontal menu bar with edited. I changed color of font and names of pages.
After that, I put into my website my personal logo. And tadammm !
This is effect:
Furthermore, I added a huge slideshow to exhibit my main specializations.
Below the slideshow a left original gallery and footer.
In other pages I have done many changes so I will explain it in next post.
Really good visual process shots here and you have described some of the Wix tools you used to edit the template. Don't forget to source the visual research into websites! And add a little more commentary on these.