Monday, 11 February 2019

Graphic Design - II Major Project / Logo / Research

Hello, today I am gonna look at design logo for mineral water company's.

I did some research, just typed in google 'mineral water logo' and the first one that caught my attention is Avian company the logo you can see below.

As we can see logo include huge name of water and over the name we can see sharps which I recognised as a mountains.  I can tell by that this source of this water is in mountains, after explore official website I know that in the peaks of the French Alps which is then deposited on them watershed. The logo is very simple without any additional graphics. Furthermore, has just two colours what is easy to insert on different backgrounds.

Another one company which I look at is Volvic. Here we are dealing with a more complicated logo:
This logo include many various colours from green colour palette and is presenting hillock. From this logo I can infer that Is it NATURAL mineral water because green colour shows something that originated from the land of nature without any interference by human at least I interpret it that way. Also on this logo design I see big company/water name, probably I'll design logo in similar way. It is very important to readable company name on those kind of product to easy recognise my water by costumers on shops shelf's. This logo include also small tagline 'natural spring water' what in my opinion is unnecessary. This water is from mountain located in France.  

In next post I'll discuss colour pallet witch I choose to fill up my logo. Moreover, I'll start photography my own water pics and I gonna add some initial sketches of my logo. 


  1. Would have been good to have made some comparisons between the two logos - Volvic's use of a 'naturalistic' image alongside Evian's use of a highly stylised Graphic image. Which one do you think is more striking or memorable? I think it is worth doing further research into the different brands of water, maybe into brands from Poland seeing as you are designing a package that has a dual market.

  2. In the accompanying article we set out various regular spa logo plan components and we offer thoughts and tips on the best way to approach getting a logo that is an ideal match with your business. logo design service
