Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Photography exam test

Exam photos 

Task 1:

ISO - 3200    /    1/320 sec. f/4.5 35 mm 

ISO - 400    /    1/125 sec. f/5.6 33 mm

ISO - 3200    1/800 sec. f/4.5 35 mm

Task 2:

1. Rule of Thirds 
ISO - 100     2/5 sec. f/5.6 18 mm

2. Symmetry
ISO - 800  1/50 sec. f/5.6 18 mm
3. Low Angel 
ISO - 800     1/20 sec. f/5.6 27 mm

4. Focus on the foreground
ISO - 3200      1/125 sec. f/5.6 18 mm

Task 3:

f-5.6    ISO - 800       1/50 sec. f/5.6 18 mm

F-11    ISO - 800      1/10 sec. f/11 18 mm

f-22  ISO - 800     1/2 sec. f/22 28 mm

Task 4:
ISO - 200   1/13 sec. f/5.6 18 mm

ISO- 100 1/8 sec. f/5.6 18 mm

Contact Sheet:*ezRyFFc7nnjq2fGSHCel3Q.jpeg

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Graphic Design - II Major Project / Creation of Logo

Hey guys!
Today I am going to show you how I created my logotype in Photoshop / Illustrator.

I did some initials sketches of It on a paper as you can see below:

I opened new document in Photoshop and added my sketches into It. 

I used 'pen tool' and 'curvature pen tool' to outline a drop of water on my sketch. 

After outline whole drop of water, added new layer I used patch selection tool to select my sharp. I filled up my acute by gradient. I choose specyfic blue colours - Blue / blue one -  #61bffa  blue two #0574bb as below: 

In result I got my drop of water: 

I wanted differentiate blue colours on my drop so I use masking layer to do effect brighter blue on a corner of drop. 

Again I used 'curvature pen tool' to create line on drop and stoke them with simulate pressure. 

 Now I want to create mountains over the drop of water. I used 'polygonal lasso tool' to outline sharp of mountains and I filled up the marquee in some colour. 

I added a little more things to imitate mountains.

After that I added it into my drop of water and also I added a name of water which is called 'Highlander spring'. Furthermore, I added a information about water ' still water'. 

I would like to enter my water on polish market so I create logo in polish words as wall. 
My final outcome is below.

I am quite happy with a result, the logo looks very good. We'll see how it will look on the bottle label and external banner advertising

Monday, 11 February 2019

Graphic Design - II Major Project / Water in nowadays / Research


I have done another one research about water in nowadays and to who is aimed my water.
Natural mineral water and spring water comes from a specified underground source which is protected from any form of pollution. They must have guaranteed consistent chemical and physical composition presented on a label. What is a difference between mineral water and spring water?
Mineral water must has more then 500 mg/l mineral components. Water which has up to 500 mg/l mineral components is a spring water. I think that my water is aimed to everyone - children and adults. Depending on the body's needs for particular minerals, you should choose water that contains, for example, a large amount of magnesium or calcium, and little sodium, etc. People who do not deal with any major health problems and lead a moderate lifestyle, can also drink water mineral with a large amount of minerals, but in smaller quantities. Thanks to this, we will provide the right dose of valuable minerals, without exposing themselves to diseases caused by their excess.

The spring water, with a low content of minerals, can drink practically anyone, regardless of age and health. Due to it is neutral character, it is also suitable for making coffee or tea and preparing meals - this is a particularly good way out if the water in the tap water leaves much to be desired.

According to US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health  and Quora I choose some random specific components for my water:

Calcium Ca ++           - 119.28
Magnesium Mg ++     -   28.19
Soda Na +                   -   34.40
Potassium K +             -  <9.90

Bicarbonates               378.31
Chloride                        31,91
Kraft                           144.40

Graphic Design - II Major Project / Logo / Research

Hello, today I am gonna look at design logo for mineral water company's.

I did some research, just typed in google 'mineral water logo' and the first one that caught my attention is Avian company the logo you can see below.

As we can see logo include huge name of water and over the name we can see sharps which I recognised as a mountains.  I can tell by that this source of this water is in mountains, after explore official website I know that in the peaks of the French Alps which is then deposited on them watershed. The logo is very simple without any additional graphics. Furthermore, has just two colours what is easy to insert on different backgrounds.

Another one company which I look at is Volvic. Here we are dealing with a more complicated logo:
This logo include many various colours from green colour palette and is presenting hillock. From this logo I can infer that Is it NATURAL mineral water because green colour shows something that originated from the land of nature without any interference by human at least I interpret it that way. Also on this logo design I see big company/water name, probably I'll design logo in similar way. It is very important to readable company name on those kind of product to easy recognise my water by costumers on shops shelf's. This logo include also small tagline 'natural spring water' what in my opinion is unnecessary. This water is from mountain located in France.  

In next post I'll discuss colour pallet witch I choose to fill up my logo. Moreover, I'll start photography my own water pics and I gonna add some initial sketches of my logo. 

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Graphic Design - II Major Project / Water in Art throughout the ages / Research


Today I am going to look at water art and discuss that subject. Water is a lot of contrasting meanings and symbols. Almost a still mirror, a smooth surface and calmness, and at the same time a raging whirlpool, an element that can not be tamed, chaos. Aquatic motifs accompany art for centuries. Sometimes they dominate, embracing entire layers of canvases, and sometimes they hide behind, constituting only a substitute for the landscape.
Water for the ancients constituted cleanliness, hygiene and the basis of some philosophical trends. The Old Testament, for it, abounds in a sinister and destructive manifestation of this element, including in the motive of the deluge. During the Renaissance people tried to reflect the beauty of nature, and the water usually created an idyllic and calm atmosphere. Romanticism, however, completely contradicted it, destroying the classic concept with bold brushstrokes under which the foamy sea waves swirled. The changes introduced by the Impressionists mainly concerned the rejection of the subject in flavors of showing the moment. They paid attention to on the weather, time of day and season, so water was an inseparable element of contemporary canvases. The concept of presenting the theme of water has changed over the centuries.

The painting above depicts the mythological theme of the birth of the goddess, which emerges from the sea foam dressed only in long hair buds. The water around the shell is whirling, which is the only disturbance of the gently wavy surface. The impression of peace and idyll dominates, unmoved. The distant horizon gives the impression of an endless pool that almost spills over the left side of the canvas. The flickering of the water was shown by means of fish-shaped pulls. The giving Zefir stimulates only a fragment of the sheet, without disturbing the composition. The main means of expression in the Birth of Venus is a smooth, delicate and wavy line that polishes the figures and surroundings, giving them a light shine.

Furthermore, water fills almost the entire plan. Its colour is degraded, approaching the figure of Venus takes on darker colours, which focuses on the shells. This element helps to extract the main com positional elements from the image, it is not a dominant, it is rather hidden, but it plays an important aesthetic role. On this gently hovering background, the silhouette of the goddess looks almost statuesque, as if it were made of marble. This representation of the form dominated in the quatrocentrist era in which he created Sandro Botticelli. The water helped Venus shape and highlight the mythological shell, almost throwing it ashore. Despite scratching the delicate waves, the water is almost flat. It is not a mirror, it does not reflect shapes and light reflections. It has almost a decorative function through richly applied ornaments.

After the era of light and shadow, the nineteenth century spawned many different directions and views on the surrounding reality. It was an age that in a unique way drew from history and contained program passwords. Théodore Géricault, called a painter of horses and madmen, creates in 1819 one of the most famous paintings of the Romantic period - The Raft of Medusa. It is a reference to the tragic events of 1816 that took place off the coast of Africa.

The scene of sinking a raft depicted in the painting is a moment of almost heroic fight with the element. The raised water, the whirl of foam, intensify the growing pathos and dramatise of the frozen figures. The visible momentum and exaltation bring us into the mood of poignant fear. Despite the composition based on a raft and tangled characters, water is one of the most important elements. It was her that caused this situation. It is the cause of the tragic situation of the survivors, heralding imminent death and human tragedy.
Bold brush strokes blur the surface of the water and build dangerous waves, rolling the foam like a monster. This presentation of chaos, an unpredictable element, depicts man's lowliness towards nature and the fragility of his life. Géricault accumulates emotions not only through the facial expressions and gestures of the characters, but also through the accompanying sea.

Water has been accompanying art for centuries, which is still developing very dynamically. Over the years, the most obvious phenomena, such as the weather, are given to various meanings and symbols, thus developing reflections on the elements. For some it is the apotheosis of peace, for others it is the chaos and incarnation of madness. Water has enormous power, which they developed on their canvases, including Turner or Géricault. Another time it is a gentle stream, or just a reflex flashing from a distance. Nature is an inseparable part of human life, sometimes it affects it more or less, but it always lasts alongside.

Monday, 4 February 2019

Graphic Design - II Major Project / Idea / Plan

Hello guys!

Today I am going to explain and display you my second major project in 2nd term.
I have changed my progression rout and now I do graphic design.

In this post I will present you my general idea of my major project. I come up with mineral water.
Create and develop advertising campaign for new brand of bottled water.

Into my project I'll include:
- design logo - tagline, name of water, company.
- design labels for bottles
- create elements of indoor and outdoor campaign - roll-ups, banner, billboards, bus stops ads ect.

I am going to look at mineral waters company's in UK and Poland also think about many important things such as about who it is aimed at? Target market? Affluent demographic? Will your mineral water have medicinal benefits?

Every day we should drink two and in the summer, even three liters of water. But which one? Mineral, spring, and perhaps healing? There is an increasing choice of drinking water on the market, but can you use this abundance?

1. Natural spring waters

They are extracted from crystal clear sources, from shallower underground layers. It's mainly mineralized low water, though it happens on average. They contain less than 1000 mg of minerals per liter. Due to geological conditions, their chemical composition may undergo slight changes. These include Żywiec Zdrój, Krynica Zdrój, Eden, Aqua Minerale, Vitalinea, Nestle Aquarel and Kropla Beskidu.

2. Natural mineral water

They are obtained from deep wells. They have a constant chemical composition and are quite rich in minerals - medium or highly mineralized water. They contain at least 1000 mg of minerals per liter. We can choose for example:  Staropolanka, Kryniczanka, and Muszynianka.

3. Table water

They are obtained by mixing natural spring water or filtered water supply with various mineral components or with mineral water. Because their composition undergoes modification during the production, the term "natural" is not available to them. They quench thirst well, but are generally much poorer in some of the health-important ingredients. The typical table water is Bonaqua.

4. Natural healing waters

They come from special healing springs. They contain not less than 1000 mg of minerals per liter and at least one medicinal ingredient in a suitable concentration, which significantly affects the functioning of the body. These are for example: Wielka Pieniawa, Żuber, Jan. The resources of natural waters are deep underground. As a result, they are effectively isolated from any contaminants. For hundreds of years, minerals have been leaching minerals valuable from the surrounding rocks and contain them from 500 mg to over 1500 mg in one liter. Most often they are: magnesium, calcium, sodium, sulphates, chlorides and carbonates. Concentration and proportions of these beneficial components depend on the geological structure of a given region.

Only natural spring waters with low or medium saturation with minerals can be drunk every day without any restrictions. And only they are suitable for preparing meals for small children. With the other waters you have to be careful, because in some of the saturation with one or more components is so significant that you can easily overdose and harm health.
A lot of you would like to ask me why mineral water ? I decided to create new brand because I think it is an inseparable part of our everyday life, we drink water every single day so that product is in use all the time in whole world.

I have filled 'Sign Off Sheet' with my tutor Sam. Click here to view my all details about my project.
In next post I will discuss about artists, techniques and methods to present water in art in past few ages.